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Introduction to the Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem

We are excited about having you on this powerful journey, because it gives you great, tangible takeaways and strategies to craft YOUR Communication EcoSystem.

If you want to get the most out of this small group coaching series, be sure to set aside some quiet time to invest into yourself for each of the modules and the Live Q & A Session on week 3 of each month. Set your phone aside and join us for this life changing Coaching Program. Take your time to watch the training video in week 1.  There is no rush or best way to do it.  Some weeks it may happen all on one day other weeks it may happen in small chunks or spurts.  There is no right way or wrong way.  And hey if life happens and you don't get to something one week that's ok too.  You can pick up where you left off or join along in the current week and circle back to it when you have time.  

Let's get you identifying communication styles, relationship types, curating your values, establishing boundaries in those 7 areas and putting a plan for de-escalating conflict in place AND setting up sign posts so you KNOW when you are on the right track.  We will also be incorporating your Zone of Safety and insights and strategies to help you find your energy balance and thriving harmony each month as well.

Let's Get Started!


Lesson Activity

1.  Cloverleaf link to set up a profile and complete the assessments beginning with the Enneagram:

You will set up a free account and the following assessments are available to complete for free, start with the Enneagram then complete the following as you are able:

* DISC, 16 Types & Productivity: Energy Rhythm

We know the question structure isn't the best for our ND brains, and that is actually something we are working on currently, but until that can be implemented a good strategy is to answer from the place of "what do I do most often."

Clover Leaf Sign Up for A Free Account

2.  Take time to get familiar with the platform, be sure you have connected with the community and check your email and add: to your contacts list.  This will ensure you don't miss an email from us.  For questions about the platform, or the modules please send all direct communication to the Coaching Cafe Academy Address.

3.  HOW to add the Membership to your phone's home screen so you can easily access it like an app:

If you are on an Android device- Open the MYAB Membership site in your Chrome browser, go to the top right hand corner and tap on the three dots, then scroll down to "Add to Home Screen" and select.  You will then be asked if you want to add it to your home screen, yes or no, select yes,  then how you want it to appear on your Home Screen you can choose the butterfly to make it easy then select add.  The Icon will now appear on your home screen where you can easily tap the icon to access your membership portal.

If you are on an IOS/Apple:  The process is similar.

2 Lessons

Introduction & Foundations-The Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem

Start building your new foundations.  

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