Workshop Catalog for Whittington Well-Being

Presentations & Workshops

Whittington Well-Being offers workshops and presentations to meet the needs of organizations with a neurodivergent and disabled workforce from the mail room to the board room.

This isn't just another workshop; it's an experiential playground where participants explore four distinct energy styles crucial for mastering their energy and conquering burnout. Based on insights from the Whittington Burnout Inventory Research Study, we delve into calming anxious energy, quieting a busy mind, enhancing focus, and boosting energy while infusing joy, all in a carefully sequenced order to prevent overwhelm.

Through a variety of trauma-informed breathing techniques, creative art drawing, kinetic movement, and sensory-friendly, rhythmic music, attendees will explore their unique energy in a safe and supportive environment. By pairing these exercises with a measurement framework, attendees will develop a clear energy map, enabling them to understand and navigate their energy levels with ease in the moment. 

The Micro Recharge Lab contains over 30 different energy exercises, carefully curated to cater to diverse needs. In this Introductory Event, participants will focus on learning the four most popular and requested energy exercises.

Key Highlights:

  • Tailored Approach: Addressing burnout and energy mastery paired with the unique layer of a neuro inclusive and disabled approach through a trauma-informed lens.

  • Transformative Experience: Guiding participants through four essential energy style experiences, meticulously sequenced and optimized for speed and results.  The comparison and contrast is the key to self awareness and energy mastery to move out of burnout.

  • Tangible Results: Participants track their energy levels and experience a strategic shift from what they are feeling to where they would like to feel, gaining insights into their energy dynamics far beyond the usual self care.

  • Safe and Supportive Environment: Creating a gentle and understanding atmosphere where attendees feel excited to explore their energy.

  • Rapid Learning: Contrastive energy exercises provide quick understanding and lay the groundwork for energy mastery, mitigating burnout.

These fast and simple energy exercises are easily repeatable and can be incorporated into daily life with ease. They typically take 2-3 minutes to complete and have long-term benefits, as reported by participants the effects of the exercises are even felt weeks later after the event. These exercises require no special equipment and can be done anywhere, making them accessible to all.

Host a Micro Recharge Lab and embark on a playful yet profound journey towards energy mastery and well-being. Together, let's transform how you experience and navigate the world of energy to get out of burnout and stay out.

Burnout Restoration for All Brains & Bodies in the Workplace

Burnout can occur in all brain types, but what works for some brains to reach Burnout Restoration doesn't work for others.

Burnout Restoration for All Brains & Bodies in the Workplace led by Burnout Restoration Strategist, Carole Jean Whittington

In this 2 hour done with you workshop, you will learn:

  • What Burnout can feel & look like for a variety of brains and bodies.
  • Identify which of the Top 20 Warning Signs You May Be in Burnout apply to you
  • Discover how "Spicy" your burnout is from a Level 1 Poblano Pepper to a Level 5 Ghost Pepper Burnout "When You're so Hot, You're Not"
  • Learn the three keys to getting out of burnout for good
  • Identify the #1 key area in your burnout experience right now
  • Bringing it all together into the step by step Nourishment Map  to take you towards Burnout Restoration.

This material is also available in an abbreviated one hour presentation. 

For Managers & People Leaders-Communication Between a Variety of Brains

Bridging communication between a variety of brains comes second nature to Dr. Ali Arena and Carole Jean Whittington, creators of The Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem.

Ali is a Speech language pathologist and educational psychologist who is also ADHD.  Carole Jean is an ADHD Autistic with a background in vision science and is a burnout researcher.  Together they help different brains communicate more effectively and authentically using their Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem.

For Managers & People Leaders-Communication Between a Variety of Brains led by Dr. Ali Arena and Carole Jean Whittington

Companies are built on effective communication and when your team is armed with a new understanding of themselves and their unique communication styles everyone thrives including the bottom line.

In this two hour workshop, managers and people leaders will learn:

  • The top communication breakdowns in teams 
  • The Four Communication Styles from The Neurodiverse Communication EcoSystem and how to identify them in yourself and others
  • How to manage teams with a variety of brains and communication styles effectively
  • The Four Levels of Communication and steps to identify where a communication may have been derailed in a variety of brain types
  • The De-Escalation Protocol for when high conflict or emotionally charged conversations occur in-person or online and steps to de-escalate the situation and next best steps
  • All material is delivered with burnout insights and tips on communication and conflict.

This material is also available in an abbreviated one hour presentation.

Building a Thriving Workplace for Neurodiversity-Foundations to Success

“Communication breakdowns eat strategy for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.” -Carole Jean Whittington, Wellness Visionary

You may have frameworks, strategies and well planned KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) but if the teams and people these strategies and plans rely on aren’t effectively communicating, feel psychologically safe in their work environment, are acknowledged for who they are and what they do, and given the supports needed to succeed, those “best laid plans” get eaten for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.

Building a Thriving Workforce for Workplace Neurodiversity- Foundations to Success led by  Carole Jean Whittington

After attending this 1 hour presentation, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the unique variety of neurotypes and communication styles that exist in teams.
  • Recognize how expectations vary widely in a variety of neurotypes.
  • Best practices for self advocacy and ways to support others on your team.
  • The powerful questions you'll need in your toolkit to clarify mutual understanding for the best outcomes.
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