Ready to get out of burnout?   CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED with the QUIZ


At Whittington Well-Being, we know burnout is miserable, plain and simple. If you've been stuck in burnout mode for what feels like forever, I'm here to change that. Step by step through The UnVeiling Method and Micro Recharging, I'll guide you to your Energy Mastery where you'll find sustainable, fun ways to feel amazing in 20 minutes or less each time.

Say goodbye to burnout and hello to Energy Mastery—it's time to live your passions and dreams every day with an ABUNDANCE OF ENERGY!  Your best life is already yours!  You don't have to earn it, just UnVeil it.

If you are ready to make this playful, light and fun, then you are in the right place.

Wondering where to get started?

Step 1: Take the Spicy Pepper Level Burnout Quiz

Step 2: Identify your Degree of Heat

Step 3: Choose your path out of burnout using The UnVeiling Method & Micro Recharge Lab as your guide.

Want to learn more about Burnout and Energy Mastery?

Listen to the  9 Day Energy Up Level on the Podcast & get the guide book here on the learning portal to take it deeper in your life.

Available Products

Step 1: QUIZ- What's Your Burnout Level (aka Spicy Pepper)?

The first step to getting out of burnout is to know where you are on the spicy pepper scale.  Find out what Spicy Pepper level you are experiencing from a Poblano Pepper Level 1 where you have just a bit of heat up to the Level 5 Ghost Pepper where you are "so hot, you're not"! Plus, get specific insights based on your results to begin Up Leveling your ENERGY.

Step 2: Degree of Heat- Spicy Pepper Dashboard

STEP 2: Take your Spicy Pepper Quiz Result and REALLY know where you are within your pepper level so that you can choose the best next step for your Energy Mastery and get out of burnout for good.

9 Day Energy Up Level on Beyond Chronic Burnout

Download the companion 9 Day Energy Up Level Guide to the special series on Beyond Chronic Burnout podcast

BOOK "Unleashing Sustainable Energy: Transforming Burnout for Neurodivergent and Disabled Individuals" by Carole Jean Whittington

Guiding ADHD, Autistic, disabled and those with co-occurring health conditions out of burnout and to sustainable energy that works FOR them so that they are the Energy Master in their career, relationships and beyond.

Begin YOUR Energy Journey Today!

Companion Book Bundle- The UnVeiling Method Tools and Framework

This Companion Bundle for the book, Unleashing Sustainable Energy, will take you through the core assessments mentioned in the book including Needs Reflection Assessment, Sensory Profile Blueprint.  This bundle will help you take the data a bit deeper with exercises and activities to bring your results to life including the Burnout Basics Workbook, Burnout History and more.

Sensory Rest Tool Kit

Discover your Sensory RESToration and begin brining energy in more consistently and do it in a way that WORKS best for you.

Application for The UnVeiling Method: Energy Mastery

Interested in getting personalized one on one support to master your energy so that you can get off the Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop and live your passions and dreams with abundant, daily energy? This is for you.

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