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Community Service Organizations

There is an invisible communication gap that you may be missing and not even know it. 


Many Community Service organizations are seeking to stay current, relevant and on the cutting edge of serving in the time of post-pandemic stress and higher mental health challenges.

Many community organizations serving neurodivergent and disabled populations are in great demand right now, and are discovering that they are not as equipped as they were prior to the pandemic to meet the communication challenges and burnout volunteers are facing. 

There hasn’t been a program or training to meet this need until now...

I spent over 20 years volunteering, chairing committees and leading training events for organizations including Junior League, The American Red Cross, Key Club and many others. 

I am a late identified, ADHD Autistic Adult and I have spent every moment since discovering I am Autistic in 2014 studying, researching, identifying, defining and field testing where the communication gaps are between neurotypes in order to create clearer communication between all people in an organization so that those organizations can thrive while delivering the community services that are needed. 

I have developed an easy to understand and implement methodology to bridge the communication gaps between neurotypes and better serve and impact those in your community while supporting your volunteers so that they can serve without hitting those volunteer burnouts.

To book a call and schedule your organization for this powerful training with Carole Jean Whittington, Principal & Founder of Mind Your Autistic Brain Click HERE.  

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