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First Steps to Burnout Restoration (SELF-PACED TOOLKIT 1.0) The UnVeiling Method

You've determined you are in Spicy Burnout

From a Level 1 Poblano Pepper with a little bit of heat up to a Level 5 Ghost Pepper where you're so hot you're not.

This is usually where the resources, help, encouragement and support disappear for us and we are left wading through social media feeds or "google" searching for assistance only to compound our exhaustion and overwhelm and STILL not finding the strategies we need.  Those searches haven't yielded someone who has a framework and also has a Neurodistinct brain and body to guide us into Burnout Restoration and Energy Mastery.

NOT anymore!!!

I am a late identified autistic, ADHD, dyslexic and I am in year 4 PLUS of living Spicy Burnout, shutdown and meltdown FREE after forty years on The Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop.  I didn't even know this place of thrive, mental clarity and sustainable energy was possible.

You didn't get into burnout overnight and you won't get out of it overnight either. 

This isn't a quick fix. This process does take your commitment, but you aren't alone and you don't have to figure all out by yourself.  You are already light years ahead of where I started over 10 years ago when I was all alone and white-knuckling through every step figuring it one messy step at a time because there wasn't any support or anyone to reach out to back when I started over a decade ago.

My solo journey to Energy Mastery gave birth to The UnVeiling Method.


I went from masking at what I call the "professional level" of camouflaging and decades of living on The Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop to THRIVING and no longer falling back into that Burnout Restoration Illusion Trap.  I discovered the path and strategies no one ever told me to living life as my wonderfully wired self and a way to flourish in a world that isn't always geared towards my ND and Sensory Profile needs.

The UnVeiling Method: Burnout to Energy Mastery journey is here to help you get off The Chronic Cycle Burnout Loop too and do it in your authentic and unique way with your Sensory Profile needs being met and unveiling the thriving best you. 

No one has the same exact Nourishment Keys and Sensory Profile Blueprint and those both fluctuate and change depending on many factors, but when you have the tools to identify what Nourishment Keys are under nourished and what Sensory Profile elements are presenting at the moment, you have two tools that make a HUGE difference in your Burnout Restoration journey.

The UnVeiling Method is a four phase journey.  And in this FIRST STEP, you have access to those two huge tools that help you identify your unique and authentic Nourishment Keys right now along with your individual Sensory Profile Blueprint.


Your Sensory Profile is different when you are in Spicy Burnout versus when you are in your Thrive.  Knowing what Nourishment Keys are under nourished and having a clear and defined list that allows you to see the areas of nourishment you may have been feeling for decades but weren't able to pin point is the first step to restoration. 

Spicy Burnout is:

Spicy Burnout is when our Nourishment Keys consistently go under nourished for a sustained period of time without sufficient recovery periods from stressors, which may include but are not limited to sensory over/under stimulation, masking and/or camouflaging, co-occurring physiological conditions, varying degrees of trauma, and a lack of needed support.

The result can include recurring meltdowns, shutdown, withdrawal, feelings of disconnection from self and others, increased and/or decreased sensory experience, suicidal ideation, suicidal action, and a temporary loss of skills and abilities in all areas of life that take time to recover. The loss of some skills can be permanent or only return to a limited degree if the restoration is not sufficient or if a burnout is a Chronic Cycle Burnout.  Spicy Burnout is not the same as a "typical" burnout, is different from depression, is different from trauma only and is usually not a result of one specific co-occurring health condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Begin your Burnout Restoration today with help, resources and encouragement and those first two HUGE and KEY elements with tools to break them down so that you have a clear list and your #1 Nourishment Key along your unique Sensory Profile Blueprint right now.

This Self-Paced module of The UnVeiling Method will provide you with these two key tools so that you can:

  • Begin putting supports in place to get your #1 Nourishment Key and Sensory Profile Blueprint supported and nourished consistently
  • Have a clear and easy way to share your Nourishment Keys with those you are in relationship with
  • Be able to identify and pin-point your Nourishment Keys and Sensory Profile elements through these unique UnVeiling Method Assessments and Tools that will help you throughout your Burnout Restoration journey

The Nourishment Key Reflection Assessment and Sensory Profile Blueprint Tools allow you to see areas of your life you may have felt for years but not been able to identify or areas of nourishment you didn't even know were part of your nourishment list.  This is a powerful two element approach that will change the way you see yourself and how you view your energy.

You have Nourishment Keys.

You have a right to have these keys nourished.

Your nourishment is not too much.

You don't have to earn rest or support, they are your right.

You are already worthy of being nourished.

Get these two powerful tools to Burnout Restoration in this self-paced module along with insights, coaching videos, audio versions for listening on the go, the Needs Reflection Tool, the Sensory Profile Reflection Tool AND a BONUS tool to help you begin implementing support for your needs with my powerful Get Out of The Thinking Traps tool so that you can unveil those thinking traps that make asking for help and setting those healthy boundaries harder than they ever need to be.

This self-paced First Steps course includes these two bonus tools and modules:

BONUS #1 Get Out of the Thinking Traps 

BONUS #2 Beyond Self Care for ND Humans

9 Modules

Welcome to the Self-Paced First Steps to Burnout Restoration-NEEDS & SENSORY

Welcome!!!  You are on your way to Burnout Restoration.  Let's get started.

Tool #1- Met Needs and Un-Met Needs

Burnout Restoration begins with identifying your met needs and those un-met needs that are contributing to burnout for you.

Tool #2- Sensory Profile Needs

Identifying your unique Sensory Profile right now in burnout is very helpful to your Burnout Restoration journey.  It isn't always about what is too much, sometimes for us it is about what sensory stimulation we need and may need more of right now.

Spicy Pepper Dashboard

The Spicy Dashboard is your Blueprint to Restoration.

BONUS #1- Get Out of the Thinking Traps

No one ever talks about the Thinking Traps we learn from our parents or guardians and how those Thinking Traps can keep us "stuck."  Let's identify your core 2 or 3 Thinking Traps so you can untangle those thought loops and begin moving forward in Burnout Restoration.

BONUS #2- Beyond Self-Care for ND Humans

Self-care for us looks different than having a spa day.  There are things we need that are part of self-care that aren't on the top tips list online.  Get the top 9 Self Care for ND Humans along with Self-Care affirmations to help guide you.

BOOK- Unleashing Sustainable Energy: A Strategic Approach to Transforming Spicy Burnout for ADHD/Autistic Professionals

Get early access to the book, discounts, special event and MORE!

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Modules for this product 9

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 First Steps to Burnout Restoration (Self-Paced Toolkit)
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